On 2010 May 22nd Saturday we gathered for another pleasant occasion dedicated to our beloved Birmans at the international Anfi-FIFe show in Lariano, next to Rome.
As always we had a beautiful, serene and pleasant day in our ring, with members attained through various Italy places.
Our special thanks at first to the organizer of that show, Giorgio Di Stefano, for kindly hosted our meeting and for the great prizes offered to all birman’s exhibitors present, and our sponsor Royal Canin for kits free offered to our members and always loved by our cats.
Obviously, our warmest congratulations go to the A.I.Bir. member’s cats, distinguished in both Saturday and Sunday. Therefore we do our compliments to:
(May 22nd saturday)
Nocturnal’s Rebel Yell, seal point male, 3/6 months Ex1, Biv e Nomination
Breeder and owner: Chiara De Paolis
Precious Blue Prince, blue point male, 3/6 months, Ex1, Biv e Nomination
Breeder and owner: Gemma Carnimeo
Kintamani Pasha, blue tabby neuter male, Cap, Nomination
Breeder: Marta Picciurro, owner: Lavinia Tirelli
Kintamani Pin Up, chocolate tabby female, Cac, Nomination
Breeder: Marta Picciurro, owner: Maria Rosaria Agresti
(May 23rd Sunday)
Fairy Eyes Rainbow’s Baby, seal point female, 3/6 months Ex1, Biv
Breeder and owner: Ilaria Spedicato
Petite Perle, seal tabby neuter female, CAP, Nomination, Best Opposite Sex
Breeder and owner: Ilaria Spedicato
Fairy Eyes Queen Rosalie, seal tabby female, 3/6 months Ex1, Nomination
Breeder and owner: Ilaria Spedicato
Fairy Eyes Ramses, blue tabby male, 3/6 months Ex1, Nomination
Breeder and owner: Ilaria Spedicato
Thanks to all the members and friends present for sharing with us this lovely day. We wait you all for the next club AIBir. event!